Purl is a spunky ball of yarn starting a job at a bro-y work environment. Are there a metaphors abound? Oh you bet there are. Caution, Pixar actually uses a curse word in this short which is perhaps the most shocking thing they’ve done to date.
I’ve had my fair share of starting new jobs and a lot of these situations are ironically still very present today. I’ve seen the bros around the water cooler. I’ve felt left out at the company outings and have been forgotten more than once to be included in office lunches or dinners. You know what happens when employees feel excluded from the culture? They leave.
Purl changes who she is to fit into the culture, which I can proudly say is something I’ve never done before. She almost makes the mistake of ignoring the new yarn ball that arrives in the office — full of the hope and optimism like on Purl’s first day. But Purl makes a last minute decision to include the newest co-worker into the company outing after work and from there we assume everything works out and diversity thrives.
I wish the same result could be said for companies in 2019. Until then, I hope managers realize the importance of making new employees feel welcome to the work place and work harder to make everyone feel included.
For more Disney fun, check out this relatable video of parents at Disney parks.
From Disney/Pixar: Purl, directed by Kristen Lester and produced by Gillian Libbert-Duncan, features an earnest ball of yarn named Purl who gets a job in a fast-paced, high energy, bro-tastic start-up. Yarny hijinks ensue as she tries to fit in, but how far is she willing to go to get the acceptance she yearns for, and in the end, is it worth it?