Dom and Vinnie is a short film brought to you by the entire Chimento family.
My husband is a creative. One of the many reasons why we are so compatible. He and his brother make videos for fun and have this ongoing bit where they are both members of the Italian mafia and a silly conversation ensues. They take on the personas of Dom and Vinnie with New York accents. They have been doing this since before puberty and this past Thanksgiving, it was time to get the whole family involved.
Originally I was meant to be in the video, but after a few script re-writes, it was simpler to cut me out and instead I filmed the entire thing, helped produce the script, and also found the baller songs to help edit it to the final product that you see before you.
The less you know, the more fun it is to watch. Aside from Boris, I am legally related every character in the film and that’s pretty cool. Enjoy. ~